
By Casala

Casala is a Dutch company with a rich German history. During the design process for Centuro, Andreas Ostwald was inspired by the form of a tulip, bringing past and present together.

The Centuro frame contains 80% recycled materials, and is designed for ultimate comfort. Available with both a low and high backrest and an optional adjustable seat height, the Centuro can be tailored to individual preferences.

With a wide range of bases, colours, and finishes available, the Centuro chair is well suited to meeting, conference and lounge spaces.

Lead time
12 - 14 weeks
Stocked models and finishes may vary, please contact us to confirm availability
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Brand - Casala

Casala is known for contract furniture, furniture to be deployed where design is to prove its functional worth: in halls and churches, at offices, universities, government agencies and in care centers. To Casala functionality means that user-convenience and design are already incorporated in the first drafts. Stackable and linkable, means of transport, numeration or storage facilities are no coincidence, they are deliberately integrated in the design. Since 2004, Casala has developed and introduced a complete range of contract furniture which includes chairs, tables and benches. In close cooperation with internationally orientated designers Casala has been able to make true its catchphrase, Design linked to functionality. The sales of Casala products takes place via specially appointed dealers. In the meantime Casala is actively selling its products in more than 20 countries worldwide.

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